Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Logo Usage and Guidelines

The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust logo is a trademark of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust . When displaying the Trust logo, please follow our guidelines below. If you have questions, please contact us.

Horizontal Logo

The horizontal logo is the Trust's primary and preferred logo for use on white and light backgrounds.

Pittsburgh Cultural Trust logo with black lettering and a transparent background

Vertical Logo

The vertical logo for white and light backgrounds is provided for use where the horizontal logo is not appropriate or preferred due to aesthetic or layout reasons.

horizontal version of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust logo

Download Horizontal and Vertical Logos: Trust Logo Kit for Light Backgrounds

Reversed Horizontal Logo

The reversed horizontal logo is the Trust's primary and preferred logo for use on black and dark backgrounds.

Pittsburgh Cultural Trust logo with white letters and a black background

Reversed Vertical Logo

The vertical logo for black and dark backgrounds is provided for use where the horizontal logo is not appropriate or preferred due to aesthetic or layout reasons.

Pittsburgh Cultural Trust logo with white letters and a black background with white lettering and a black background

Download Horizontal and Vertical Logos: Trust Logo Kit for Dark Backgrounds


Do not reverse the the horizontal or vertical versions of the Trust logos for white or dark backgrounds. Trust logos for dark backgrounds are specifically designed for dark backgrounds.

incorrect logo with a red X over it


incorrect logo with a red X over it

Do not modify any version of the logo by stretching it or separating the face mark (nick-named Arty) from the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust text .

Pittsburgh Cultural Trust logo stretched wide with a red X over itPittsburgh Cultural Trust logo stretched tall with a red X over it