
Get Involved

The Galleries at the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust present exhibitions of contemporary art by regional, national, and international artists. The Trust currently operates five distinct exhibition spaces in downtown Pittsburgh’s 14-block Cultural District including Wood Street Galleries, an historic exhibition space dedicated to new and emerging media.

Submit an exhibition proposal

Our exhibitions are planned about two years in advance and are the result of projects generated by our own curatorial team or in collaboration with other organizations, however, we do accept unsolicited exhibition proposals by artists and curators on an ongoing basis through our online submission portal. In your proposal please include the following: exhibition proposal (less than 500 words), artist bio, images of proposed works.

Due to the high number of unsolicited exhibition proposals, we are not typically able to provide personalized answers or give feedback. If we are interested in your proposal, we will contact you to request more information.

Please check our exhibitions page for information about open calls and juried exhibitions which take place throughout the year.


If you are interested in volunteering for the Galleries at the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, please indicate your interest on the submission form. Throughout the year, we rely on dedicated volunteers and interns to assist with gallery crawls, exhibition openings, and public programming.


To stay up-to-date with visual arts in the Cultural District, sign up for our email list.

Contact Form

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