Guest Code of Conduct
In addition to asking guests to keep themselves and others healthy by following our Guest Health Pledge, the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is committed to providing you a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable entertainment experience. Guests have a right to expect an environment where:
- Guests will be treated in a consistent, professional and courteous manner by all theater personnel.
- Guests can feel comfortable reporting inappropriate behavior to an usher, house manager, or security officer.
- Guests will comply with requests from venue staff and security regarding facility operations and emergency response procedures.
- Guests will sit only in their ticketed seats and show their tickets when requested.
- Guests will consume alcoholic beverages in a responsible manner and in compliance with law.
- Guests who engage in fighting, throwing objects, using foul/abusive language or gestures, attempting to enter restricted areas or engaging in other behavior detrimental to the experience of other guests will be immediately ejected from the venue and may be subject to police action for these violations.
- Guests will not interfere with the event or performers in any way.
- Guests will not smoke or use tobacco-related products anywhere inside the theater at any time.
- Guests will not attempt to re-enter the venue without a ticket or appropriate credential.
- Guests will wear a shirt, shoes and lower garments at all times.
Your ticket is a revocable license exclusively valid for the event listed on the ticket and is subject to the full terms and conditions found here and terms located on ticket backs. Theater management reserves the right to revoke this license without refund for non-compliance with any Pittsburgh Cultural Trust terms and policies. Theater staff may intervene where necessary to ensure that the above expectations are met, and guests are encouraged to report any inappropriate behavior to the nearest usher, security guard, or staff member. Guests who choose not to adhere to these provisions may be subject to ejection without refund and, to the extent their conduct constitutes a violation of law, may be subject to arrest and prosecution.